My Friend The Sun

by Federico Bartolomei

The campaign to raise awareness on eye protection is on.

Summer is back and so is our sunny friend, so the awareness campaign to promote healthy exposure to sun rays allowing us to safely enjoy its many benefits is as important as ever.
Sunlight is a source of colour which has a positive influence on our body, psychological attitude and our equilibrium.
Chromotherapy, interior design, marketing and communication are only a few of the fields where the effects of light are widely used.

Picture - Model with sunglasses

Studies relating to the use of colours in the workplace have shown, for example, increasing productivity, decreasing absenteeism and less injuries, all based on the choice of colours.
Every colour has its own effect: indigo, for example, diminishes the sensation of pain, turquoise relieves stress, orange stimulates the respiratory activity, red is energizing and blue is relaxing. The morning blue light reduces melatonin production, making it easier to awaken, while the sunset's red light stimulates the human organism to prepare for sleep.
Sunglasses used to protect the eyes from the sun's harmful rays according to the lens' colour can have an influence on our visual ability.
Coloured lens are also used for therapeutic reasons to alleviate discomfort linked to visual stress affecting reading (pattern glare).
This and the importance of protecting our eyes and skin were the subject of much discussion in various venues of the region where the campaign took place.
Picture - Picture of sunrays seen on the horizon

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